Talia Marcus


Transmuter, World Healer and Creator of my own destiny.

I have discovered my gifts, my passions, my truth, my inner voice. Let me help you to discover yours.

Looking back to where I was when I first started my energy healing journey and where I am now, it’s hard to believe how much I have changed within myself, how much I have grown, how much I have healed and let go of, and how different my life looks today.

Energy healing has given me a new lease on life, and I am truly grateful for every day I get to live, learn and grow.

Embarking on this journey, committing to myself, investing in myself, investing in my future, has been the greatest gift I have ever given myself.

Energy healing has become my purpose and passion. And being able to help others transform their lives, the way I did mine, is the greatest gift I could offer the world.

If you are ready to take action and make the necessary changes in your life, so that you too, can heal and grow and finally live the life that you are meant to be living, I would be honored to work with you on your healing journey.