Amy M. Boudreau
Chakra Investigator, Psychic, Deep Dive Healings, Self-Healing Activations & Healer Gift Enhancement
Chakras Investigator:
With a background in Law Enforcement, I use my psychic mediumship abilities to investigate your chakras to find out what blocks you need cleared.
Deep Dive Healings:
Through my investigation technique, we enter a Deep Dive into your chakra layers to understand what is being cleared, what it’s related to and how to move forward. I am able to loving work with clients who may have some energy resistance–I gently and patiently remove suborn blocks.
Self-Healing Activations:
Removing deep rooted blocks will help open your energy flow and tap into your own innate self-healing abilities. I help clients with PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety self-heal (Disclaimer: healing sessions are not a replacement for therapy, medical advice, or medications; it is a tool to help promote self-healing in tandem with your other healing modalities.)
Healer Gift Enhancement:
Many energy healers are seeking a deeper understanding of their own gifts, how to open them further, how to use them on a deeper level and how to enhance them for the greater good of all. Using my chakra investigation technique, I help clear blocks and provide guidance on your specific gift(s).
Other Specialties:
Relationships, Romance, Life Purpose Clarity, Spiritual Gift Clarity, Spiritual Gift Blocks, Career Clarity